On Sun, Jan 21, 2007 at 08:25:54AM -0800, Peter Voss wrote:
> Eugen> IBM is smart. They know what they're doing.
> Yeah! What an impressive argument.

If you're not impressed by IBM's raw resources and
PI power in comparison to everybody else (all here present
including, of course), then I don't know what you find impressing. 

> Eugen> There are shorter paths, but nobody knows where they are....
> There is more known about the "shorter paths" than actual the functioning of
> the human mind/brain.

Reality check: what is working so far? Do you have anything which
would approach the skills across the board of a 3 year old human baby?
> * All current useful robots are engineered, not reverse-engineered.

I don't find these robots particularly useful so they would compete
for the same job slots I'm applying, nevermind the same job slots
for which extreme talents are applying. 

> * All AI successes so far are engineered solutions, not copies of wetware
> (Deep Blue, Darpa Challenge, Google, etc.)

Deep Blue was a chess system. If you're defining AI in terms how a specialized
system plays chess, this is ridiculous I have frankly nothing more to add.
The Darpa Challenge is actually a good example, but is still a specialized
system, with pathetic performance. Google, AI? You *are* kidding, right?

> * Planes have been flying for >100 years, yet we haven't even
> reverse-engineered a sparrow's fart...

And we've been having AI since 1950, right? Except, we don't, and we won't
for another 50 years, if you're continuing down the same, downtrodden, sterile
> Ben, your comment seems to reflect your frustration at lack of funding
> rather than a realistic assessment of the situation. Even if no *dedicated*
> AGI engineering project is first to achieve AGI, people in the software/AI
> community will "stumble on" a solution long before reverse engineering

Stumble upon just like that, tripping on the soldering iron's power cord,
and finding a couple simple neat equations on a piece of paper. *Right*
Thanks for giving such a nice illustration of hubris and problem agnosia
in one fell swoop.

> becomes feasible. Don't you agree?

I'm not Ben, but I disagree emphatically. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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