
I am not sure the question has been stated clearly enough to be answered meaningfully, yet.

The list given by your correspondent was extremely vague: what does it mean to talk about "an implicit set of constraints on ontologies that can be discovered by systematic 'scientific' investigation"? For example, there are things I can only perceive *directly* (whatever that means) if they are in 3-D space, but "systematic scientific investigation" allows me to think about spaces with other numbers of dimensions, in all kinds of ways. Same goes for causality.

Having said that, I know what you mean at an intuitive level (and I do believe there are built in biasses) but I think the problem is deeply tangled up with what you think the machinery is, that is getting biassed. I am not even convinced that the question can be properly asked unless you can talk in terms of that machinery.

And what is the boundary between an ontological bias and a lesser tendency to learn a certain kind of thing, which can nevertheless be overridden through experience?

Richard Loosemore.

Ben Goertzel wrote:

In a recent offlist email dialogue with an AI researcher, he made the
following suggestion regarding the "inductive bias" that DNA supplies
to the human brain to aid it in learning:

What is encoded in the DNA may include a starting ontology (as proposed,
with exasperating vaguess, by developmental psychologists, though much
more complex than anything they have thought of) but the more important
thing is an implicit set of constraints on ontologies that can be
discovered by systematic 'scientific' investigation. So it might not
work in an arbitrary universe, including some simulated universes,e.g.
'tileworld' universes.

One such constraint (as Kant pointed out in 1780) is the
assumption that everything physical happens in 3-D space and
time. Another is the requirement for causal determinism (for most

There may also be constraints on kinds of information-processing
entities that can be learnt about in the environment, e.g. other humans,
other animals, dead-ancestors, gods, spirits, computer games, ....

The major, substantive, ontology extensions have to happen in (partially
ordered) stages, each stage building on previous stages, and brain
development is staggered accordingly.

My response to him was that these "genetic biases" are indeed encoded
in the Novamente design, but in a somewhat unsystematic and scattered way.

For instance, in the Novamente system,

-- the restriction to 3D space is implicit in the set of elementary predicates and procedures supplied to the system for preprocessing perceptual data on its way to abstract cognition

-- the bias toward causal determinism is implicit in an inference control mechanism that specifically tries to build "PredictiveAttractionLink" relationships that embody likely causal relationships


I have actually never gone through the design with an eye towards identifying exactly how each important "genetic bias" of cognition is encoded in the system. However, this would be an interesting
and worthwhile thing to do.

Toward that end, it would be interesting to have a systematic list somewhere of the genetic biases
that are thought to be most important for structuring human cognition.

Does anyone know of a well-thought-out list of this sort. Of course I could make one by surveying
the cognitive psych literature, but why reinvent the wheel?

-- Ben G

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