On 2/20/07, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, you do -- and guess how enterprise class databases do it . . . .
Those suckers are *seriously* optimized, particularly for set operations.
You could hand-code weather simulations so that they are faster than an
equivalent system coded in a database because the data is highly
localized (and I'm not talking about things like massive Fourier transforms)
but there isn't anything that handles huge quantities of widely and wildly
inter-related data better than a decent database.  With a database, you
don't have to think about memory (and swapping, etc.) -- it's handled.  When
you write your own system, you end up bleeding serious quantities of time
and then end up on the rocks when you have to move from 32 to 64-bits
(right, Ben?).

I am thinking about things like massive Fourier transforms, so maybe that's
where we differ. Specifically, anything aiming in the direction of AGI will
have to perform, among other things:

exaflop-range number-crunching runs for physical/spatial simulation, image
analysis etc
searches in spaces like "all possible S-expressions of less than 100 nodes
with this set of operators" looking for a function that satisfies some

For that sort of work, if your working set doesn't fit in RAM it'll sit down
anyway, so you'd better assume it does; and databases aren't optimized for
heavy number crunching unless I'm missing something. What sort of
computation were you thinking of?

Also, why would 32 -> 64 bit be a problem, provided you planned for it in

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