On 3/6/07, Andrew Babian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well what is intelligence if not a collection of tools?

To me, this widely accepted attitude towards AI is a major reason for
the lack of progress in AGI in the past decades.

A metaphor I have been using is: while computer science and the
so-called "AI" have been building tools, real AI (what we call "AGI"
here) should build "hands", which is more general, flexible, and
efficient than any problem-specific tool.

For any given specific task, it is always possible to build a tool
that works better than bare hands. For the same reason, a truly
intelligent system doesn't necessarily provide the best solution to a
given domain problem --- to pursue that kind of goal always lead AI
back to traditional computer science, both in theory and in practice.
That is why "as soon as a field becomes mature, it is no longer
considered AI anymore".

A more detailed discussion is in


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