On 3/6/07, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Consider voxels. Most agents don't have to deal with anything remote
at a high-precision level. A nice structure to use with object positions
is to use short-integer voxel-relative coordinates.

Something like
typedef struct voxel_struct {
        char    id;
        char    x;
        char    y;
        char    z;
} voxel;

and space as voxel voxbox[SIZE];

What simulation algorithms did you have in mind with that data structure?
There are good reasons for the typical emphasis on floating point, polygons
and more sophisticated structures; the human eye and brain track things to
better than 1/256, and so do embedded computer systems; integer arithmetic
is not necessarily faster than floating point on modern hardware (and can
even be slower); and frankly, we're nowhere near the stage at which worrying
about what kind of machine word to use is useful rather than harmful
(premature optimization is the root of all evil and all that).

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