YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:
On 3/12/07, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> "Natural concepts" in the mind are ones for which inductively learned
> feature-combination-based classifiers and logical classifiers give
> roughly the same answers...
1. The feature-combination-based classifiers CAN be encoded in the probabilistic logical form.

Of course -- just as the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the Riesz Representation Theorem can be encoded in formal logic (see mizar.org). But that doesn't mean this is the most useful representation for practical cognition...

2. Inductive learning CAN be performed on such representations.

Yeah, i Know but it's a very inefficient way to do supervised categorization, in practice.
So it is possible to have a *unified* representation.

Yes, of course it is. This was first convincingly shown by Russell and Whitehead, I suppose, way
back when....

The question is whether this is PRAGMATICALLY USEFUL, not whether it is possible...

> > 3. Give an example of a task where logical inference is inefficient? ;)
> Recognizing and classifying visual objects.
> Learning complex motor procedures, such as serving a tennis ball ... or
> walking with complex legs like human ones, for that matter...
> Assignment of credit: figuring out which knowledge-items and processes
> within a mind were responsible for which achievements, to what extent...
> Supervised categorization, in general.  (Hence logical reasoning does
> not feature prominently in the vast literature on sup. cat., machine
> learning, etc.)
1. Recognizing and classifying visual objects -- I have thought extensively about how to do this in the logical setting (though the lowest-level representation is neural). I don't think why your approach ("tiny programs") would lead to a speed-up when the number of possible objects becomes very large -- we face the same problems there. The /rete/ algorithm can handle that efficiently.

2. Learning complex procedures -- I'm not very good at this area, but I think procedures can be represented in logic too.

YES -- anything can be represented in logic. The question is whether this is a useful representational style, in the sense that it matches up with effective learning algorithms!!! In some domains it is, in others not.

3. Assignment of credit -- perhaps can be dealt with in the truth-maintenance system, which keeps track of inference chains. 4. Supervised categorization -- I know that inductive logic learning is not very popular here, but it would allow us to use a *unified* representation, which is the key thing here. Notice that if we have a unified representation, we can later work out more efficient algorithms within that representation, eg heuristics.

Yeah, and what you will find is that these "more efficient algorithms" are more efficient only if you let them work with non-logical
knowledge representations ;-p

In NM, we do in fact have a unified logical representation -- but we also have a number of other more specialized representations, that apply in various contexts, and that seem to be necessary to enable passably efficient processing...

All you are offering are promises that you think you can figure out how to do all cognitive processing efficiently using logic -- but people have tried this for many decades without success. Dozens of brilliant researchers have spent their careers specifically working on assignment of credit using logic-related methods. My question is what unique insight do you have that can solve this problem where so many others have failed?

-- Ben G

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