I've read the whitepaper on HTM's and NuPIC. It seems more of a
marketing strategy to attract laypeople, since I can't see anything it
can solve that a NN (a recurrent and well designed/evolved one with a
little preprocessing of input) can't.

On 3/21/07, Chuck Esterbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"recognition ... irrespective of scale, distortion and noise" sounds
pretty interesting. Are these capabilities outside of current NNs? I'm
familiar with NNs ignoring noise, but not scale. But my NN
investigations are several years old...

I wonder if distortion includes any degree of rotation. I don't have
time for the demo this night.

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From: Numenta, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 20, 2007 6:30 PM
Subject: Numenta Newsletter: March 20, 2007

Numenta, Inc. Newsletter
March 20, 2007

Dear newsletter subscriber:

I am pleased to make several announcements regarding the Numenta
Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC).

First, we now have available on our web site a demonstration program
using the Pictures example which enables recognition of simple line
drawings irrespective of scale, distortion and noise. This demo is a
Windows(r) client application, and is very easy to use and install.
The Windows program accesses NuPIC running on the Numenta Linux
cluster in California to perform the recognition task, so you do not
need to have Linux installed on your local machine. However, you must
be connected live to the Internet in order to use the demo. You can
find the demo here:

The purpose of this demo is to give you a sense of the capabilities of
the platform without having to install the platform itself. And, the
demo is a lot of fun to use! (Note that the complete platform only is
available on Linux and MacOS today - see below for more information
about NuPIC and Windows.) The demo is particularly well-suited for
non-engineers, as well as being a good starting point for those
engineers who want to get a feel for the platform before going through
the full installation process.

Second, several developers have commented in our forums expressing
interest in a Windows development environment. I'd like to let you
know that we are working on this request, and you will see us respond
in two phases. We shortly will have information on better packaging of
a virtual Linux machine running under Windows. In addition, we plan to
add the ability to run NuPIC on native Windows, but that will take
longer. Those of you who have subscribed to the developer newsletter
will receive further details shortly.

Finally, I wanted to let you know that we are pleased with the
response to our launch. We've had nearly 2000 people download the
platform, and have been excited to watch the forum and wiki sections
become active. We're just at the beginning of an exciting new era, and
want to thank you for your early and enthusiastic participation.

Donna Dubinsky
CEO, Numenta


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