On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 09:16:09AM -0400, Mark Waser wrote:

>    I'll go you one better . . . . I truly believe that the minimal AGI
>    core, sans KB content, is 0 lines of code . . . .

In theory, a TOE can be quite small. In theory, you could have
a low-level physical simulation that's happening to be an intelligent
system. In practice, however... As they say, in theory, there is no
difference between practice and theory. In practice, there is.  
>    Just like C compilers are written in C, the AGI should be entirely
>    written in it's knowledge base (eventually) to the point that it can

What's the knowledge base between your ears is written in? 

>    understand itself, rewrite itself, and recompile itself in it's

What makes you think the system can ever understand itself, whatever
that term means exactly? Evolution doesn't understand anything, but 
as an optimization process it produced us from prebiotic ursoup, which
is nothing to sneeze at.

>    entirety.  The problem is bootstrapping to that point.

Since nobody here knows, how about evolution? Empirically validated
is not good enough for you?
>    Personally, I find all of these wild-ass guess-timates and opinion
>    polls quite humorous.  Given that we can't all even agree on what an

It's okay as long as everybody agrees they're wild-ass guesstimates.

>    AGI is, much less how to do it, how can we possibly think that we can

I dunno about you, but I see a general intelligence (admittedly, not much
of an intelligence) every morning in the shaving mirror. As I said, you'll
know AGI when it hits the job market and the news.

>    accurately estimate it's features?

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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