Marvin Minsky:Memes. Once you have a species with social transmission
of information, then evolution continues on a higher level.
The idea here is that the emotions of Pride and Shame
evolved as a result of the competition -- inside our species --
between different sets of contagious ideas.

MT: I think pride and shame evolved vastly earlier and for a much more basic - 
indeed basic to AGI/ robotics - reason. 

(There is also, I think, considerable evidence now about the existence of these 
emotions in lower animals. See this week's New Scientist for one. Animals 
clearly seem to take pride in physical achievements and demonstrations of 
physical skill).

The reason for their early evolution is this:

any emotional system exists primarily to reward animals or any agent, including 
robotic, with emotions of happiness/ sadness for success/ failure in achieving 
goals - that is fundamental now to cognitive science.  However, any emotional 
system has to make an agent happy/sad however those goals are achieved or not . 
And that actually is the case. If someone gives you a $100,000 today, as a 
bequest, without your having done anything to achieve it, you  will, almost 
certainly, still feel happy.

An emotional system, therefore,  I suggest,  has to, and does give animals and 
agents additional feelings when they achieve goals through their own efforts, 
or not. Then animals and humans feel more or less happy and good about 
themselves, (pride), or sad and bad about themselves, (shame). If someone 
offers Marvin a $100,000 today for the paperback rights to EM, he will feel 
almost certainly happy AND proud.

An emotional system has to do this because any agent learning to succeed and 
survive in a problematic world, has to learn the difference between goals 
reached through its own efforts and through luck. 

No doubt animal pride and shame take much simpler forms - that's why I use the 
words "feeling good/bad about oneself" - but I'd be surprised if even say, my 
favourite lowly worm doesn't feel them.

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