Hi Ben and others,

Let's analyse the opensource vs closed-source issue in more detail...
(limericks are not arugments!)

1.  I guess the biggest turn-off about opensource is that it may allow
competitors to look at our source and steal our ideas / algorithms.  I'm
aware of this but I still advocate opensource, 'cause I think the situation
here is *special*.  AGI is an exceptionally hard problem and we do not have
enough people (researchers and programmers).  Opensource will allow us to
recruit people *much* more easily since a lot of people can look at our
stuff and decide whether they like it or not.  Thus, we'll be able to work
less hard and achieve the same goal.

The problem of "copycats stealing our ideas" becomes insignificant once
people realize how hard the whole deal is.  When there's so much innovative
work to be done, people are less likely to take the trouble of starting

Moreover, the business model I propose tries to make it easier for people to
contribute and make modifications.  I guess one reason why people start new
projects is that they are *dissatisfied* with existing ones.

2.  Let's not use the "opensource will lead to 'bad' singularity" line of
arguments, cause that's rather unrealistic and unprofessional.  Quite the
contrary, an AGI-for-the-masses scenario is much less likely to become
catastrophic than an oligarchic / totalitarian one.

The bottomline is that we cannot use AGI to "save humanity" anymore than we
can "save all the species in the ecosystem".  AGI will improve the lives of
"many" people, and that's the best we can do.

Basing a company's mission on false arguments may drive potential partners
away.  Moreover, because of self-deceptive thinking you may miss some good

3.  Note that I'm not advocating for free-AGI.  The two things that I most
care about are:  a) my own pay / company shares; and b) I hope our
project will have the biggest market share.

4.  If you have really good AGI ideas, they will get a lot of shares in the
new project.  So there's no need to panic!

[ PS  Please don't use stereotypes like "assimilation" or "borg" on me.  I'm
not intent on making humanity a homogeneous race without diversity.  People
often make those assumptions because of my weird look or that I'm Chinese =(


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