Hey but it makes for an excellent quote. Facts don't have to be true if they're 
beautiful or funny! ;-)
Sorry Eliezer, but the more famous you become, the more these types of 
apocryphal facts will surface... most not even vaguely true... You should be 
proud and happy! To quote Mr Bean 'Well, I enjoyed it anyway.'

>>> "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/05/07 4:38 AM >>>
Mark Waser wrote:
> P.S.  You missed the time where Eliezer said at Ben's AGI conference 
> that he would sneak out the door before warning others that the room was 
> on fire    :-)

This absolutely never happened.  I absolutely do not say such things, 
even as a joke, because I understand the logic of the multiplayer 
iterated prisoner's dilemma - as soon as anyone defects, everyone gets 

Some people who did not understand the IPD, and hence could not 
conceive of my understanding the IPD, made jokes about that because 
they could not conceive of behaving otherwise in my place.  But I 
never, ever said that, even as a joke, and was saddened but not 
surprised to hear it.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                          http://singinst.org/
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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