I've ended up with the following list. What do you think?

*  Ming Li and Paul Vitanyi, "An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity
and Its Applications", Springer Verlag 1997
   * Marcus Hutter, "Universal Artificial Intelligence: Sequential
Decisions Based On Algorithmic Probability", Springer Verlag 2004
   * Vladimir Vapnik, "Statistical Learning Theory", Wiley-Interscience 1998
   * Pedro Larrañaga, José A. Lozano (Editors), "Estimation of
Distribution Algorithms: A New Tool for Evolutionary Computation",
Springer 2001
   * Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin (Editors), "Artificial General
Intelligence (Cognitive Technologies)", Springer 2007
   * Pei Wang, "Rigid Flexibility: The Logic of Intelligence", Springer 2006
   * Ben Goertzel, Matt Ikle', Izabela Goertzel, Ari Heljakka
"Probabilistic Logic Networks", in preparation
   * Juyang Weng et al., "SAIL and Dav Developmental Robot Projects:
the Developmental Approach to Machine Intelligence", publication list
   * Ralf Herbrich, "Learning Kernel Classifiers: Theory and
Algorithms", MIT Press 2001
   * Eric Baum, "What is Thought?", MIT Press 2004
   * Marvin Minsky, "The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking,
Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind", Simon &
Schuster 2006
   * Ben Goertzel, "The Hidden Pattern: A Patternist Philosophy of
Mind", Brown Walker Press 2006
   * Ronald Brachman, Hector Levesque, "Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning", Morgan Kaufmann 2004
   * Peter Gärdenfors, "Conceptual Spaces: The Geometry of Thought",
MIT Press 2004
   * Wayne D. Gray (Editor), "Integrated Models of Cognitive
Systems", Oxford University Press 2007
   * "Logica Universalis", Birkhäuser Basel, January 2007

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