Within Novamente LLC, we currently have 11 people currently working on
projects directly related to AGI.  But about half of those are working on
infrastructural stuff, the other half on more directly AI coding.  And our
team's dedication to AGI-ish versus commercial work has fluctuated over time
due to funding issues....

The size of the team obviously doesn't mean much, the real question is the
size of the team relative to the complexity of the particular AGI design.
In our case I think we could use about 15 more great coders, so as to have
all total in the company about 10 folks doing AI coding, 5 doing general
infrastructural stuff, and 10 doing product development related coding.  So
that for us I think about the 24-coders Peter mentions would be about right
-- but only because we're doing product dev as well as pure AGI stuff ... I
wouldn't want that many people on Novamente AI coding, it would get too
confusing and slow us down.

In webmind inc., an AI company i cofounded in the late 90's, we had 40 Ai
developers ... but so what ....  About 10 of those were working directly on
AGi-ish stuff ... but the design we were working on then was soooo big that
this team was inadequate.  And this was a problem, because I now think that
if an AGI design is too big for a team of ~10 AI experts to complete, it's
gonna be infeasible to complete it --- AGI work is just too damn complex,
deep and dynamic to couple it with the inefficiency of large-team

We also (Novamente LLC) have a half-dozen staff working on non-AGI narrow-Ai
consulting stuff (some of which is quite interesting, including some
bioinformatics related to life extension), but that's just an aside and not
really relevant here...

-- Ben

On 7/25/07, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Of course, numerical comparisons are petty, unfair and invidious. But
> being that sort of person, I can't help noticing that Peter is promising to
> increase his staff to 24 soon. Will that give him the biggest AGI army? How
> do the contenders stack up here?
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