Bryan Bishop wrote:
On Saturday 10 November 2007 13:40, Charles D Hixson wrote:
OTOH, to make a go of this would require several people willing to
dedicate a lot of time consistently over a long duration.

A good start might be a few bibliographies.

- Bryan
Perhaps you could elaborate? I can see how those contributing to the proposed wiki who also had access to a comprehensive math&comp-sci library might find that useful, but I don't see it as a good way to start. It seems to me that better way would be to put up a few pages with things like, say the traveling salesman problem with some different solutions (on separate pages) analyzed for efficiency, accuracy, etc. in several different languages. And establishing a few indexing categories that people could file their additions under. (Algorithm name, type [tree, graph, stack, etc.], etc.) The point of a wiki isn't usually to direct people to the library (except for confirmation), but rather to provide an immediate answer. (And to allow people to share their own expertise.) When you're putting it up you don't want to even TRY to pick all the low hanging fruit. OTOH, you need to make it useful. Tricky balance, there, but several have managed it. The more publicity (in the appropriate community) you get, the less initial work you need. Browsers can share their own expertise.

OTOH, I suspect that it probably IS wise to restrict changes to people who have accounts...provided that an account is easy enough to create. For this kind of a wiki reliability is probably crucial, so you need a way of rating pages. Probably something fairly simple would work...a reputation based score, and while your score is low any changes that you make are color coded until reviewed by a site editor. (I'm not sure that a meta-moderation scheme would work here, that looks like it requires a lot of traffic.)

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