> From: Bob Mottram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> There have been a few attempts to use the internet for data collection
> which might be used to build AIs, or for teaching chatbots such as
> jabberwacky, but you're right that as yet nobody has really made use
> of the internet as a basis for distributed intelligence.  I think this
> is primarily because of the lack of good theories of how to build AIs
> which are suitably scalable across many machines.
It might be better to make the design fit the grid than the grid fit the
design, IOW basically understanding the grid and then designing up from
that. If you have a design and have to break it up for the distributedness
and "dirty" quality of the internet grid, that might not fully take
advantage of and mold well enough to it. But having an adaptable design is
nice, one where you could modify it to run on a supercomputer. And the
substrate can abstract the internet grid to make it look like a
supercomputer - basically it's a grid substrate software verses a P2P. I
think grid yearns for low latency whereas P2P allows for higher latency. But
for AGI a combination of both would be advantageous.

Wiki has some nice info on distributed computing -


For "dirty" they use the term "unbounded nondeterminism".

They also use the term "virtual supercomputer" -


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