Ed Porter wrote:
Once you build up good models for parsing and word sense, then you read
large amounts of text and start building up model of the realities described
and generalizations from them.

Assuming this is a continuation of the discussion of an AGI-at-home P2P
system, you are going to be very limited by the lack of bandwidth,
particularly for attacking the high dimensional problem of seeking to
understand the meaning of text, which often involve multiple levels of
implication, which would normally be accomplished by some sort of search of
a large semantic space, which is going to be difficult with limited

But a large amount of text with appropriate parsing and word sense labeling
would still provide a valuable aid for web and text search and for many
forms of automatic learning.  And the level of understanding that such a P2P
system could derive from reading huge amounts of text could be a valuable
initial source of one component of world knowledge for use by AGI.

I know you always find it teious when I express scepticism, so I will preface my remarks with: take this advice or ignore it, your choice.

This description of how to get AGI done reminds me of my childhood project to build a Mars-bound spacecraft modeled after James Blish's Book "Welcome to Mars". I Knew that I could build it in time for the next conjunction of Mars, but I hadn't quite gotten the anti-gravity drive sorted out, so instead I collected all the other materials described in the book, so everything would be ready when the AG drive started working...

The reason it reminds me of this episode is that you are calmly talking here about "the high dimensional problem of seeking to understand the meaning of text, which often involve multiple levels of implication, which would normally be accomplished by some sort of search of a large semantic space" ......... this is your equivalent of the anti-gravity drive. This is the part that needs extremely detailed knowledge of AI and psychology, just to be understand the nature of the problem (never mind to solve it). If you had any idea bout how to solve this part of the problem, everything else would drop into your lap. You wouldn't need a P2P AGI-at-home system, because with this solution in hand you would have people beating down your door to give you a supercomputer.

Menawhile, unfortunately, solving all those other issues like making parsers and trying to do word-sense disambiguation would not help one whit to get the real theoretical task done.

I am not being negative, I am just relaying the standard understanding of priorities in the AGI field as a whole. Send complaints addressed to "AGI Community", not to me, please.

Richard Loosemore

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