Derek Zahn wrote:
Richard Loosemore writes:

 > Okay, let me try this.
 > Imagine that we got a bunch of computers [...]
Thanks for taking the time to write that out. I think it's the most understandable version of your argument that you have written yet. Put it on the web somewhere and link to it whenever the issue comes up again in the future.

Thanks:  I will do that very soon.

If you are right, you may have to resort to "told you so" when other projects fail to produce the desired emergent intelligence. No matter what you do, system builders can and do and will say that either their system is probably not heavily impacted by the issue, or that the issue itself is overstated for AGI development, and I doubt that most will be convinced otherwise. By making such a clear exposition, at least the issue is out there for people to think about.

True. I have to go further than that if I want to get more people involved in working on this project though. People with money listen to the mainstream voice and want nothing to do with an idea so heavily criticised, no matter that the criticism comes from those with a vested interest in squashing it.

I have no position myself on whether Novamente (for example) is likely to be slain by its own complexity, but it is interesting to ponder.

I would rather it did not, and I hope Ben is right in being so optimistic. I just know that it is a dangerous course to follow if you actually don't want to run the risk of another 50 years of running around in circles.

Richard Loosemore.

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