On 11/12/2007, Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think one of the most immediate connection between religion and AGI is
> that once the religious right (and many others for that matter) begin to
> realize that all our "crazy talk" about the human mind, and possibly human
> control of the world, being eclipsed by machines is not just fantasy, they
> may well demand much more limitation of AGI than they have of abortion, and
> stem cell and human cloning.

Yes I think this is quite plausible, although I don't think it's a
near term prospect (unless someone makes a big unexpected
breakthrough, which is always a possibility).  I think that maybe by
the 2020s or 2030s AI related issues will be in the mainstream of
politics, since they will increasingly come to effect most people's
lives.  The heated political issues of today will look like a walk in
the park compared to some of the issues which advancing technologies
will raise, which will be of a really fundamental nature.

For example, if I could "upload" myself I could then make a thousand
or a million copies and start a software engineering company made
entirely of uploads which competes directly against even the biggest
IT megacorporations.

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