--- Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> PeI:> To test the power of "visual reasoning", here is a rough visual
> > explanation on two very different ways for "symbols" to get their
> > meaning:
> >
> >  http://nars.wang.googlepages.com/wang.semantics-figure.pdf
> >
> Wow, I have to stop talking but this is really stimulating. Your 
> paper/illustrations are v. useful as far as they go, but they are almost 
> literally the tip of the iceberg. Your Experience-Grounded Semantics 
> represents a flower/pot as a tree or net of attached symbols
> "plant - containing - blossom - round" etc
> Now can we please have the VAST attached clusters/ trees of images of 
> flowers and pots that your brain has, and uses, to understand and process 
> flowers/plants 

That's called a semantic network.  Words are associated with other words that
appear near it in a large corpus of text, for example:

I agree that non symbolic (e.g. visual) processing is important for systems
with non-symbolic I/O.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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