On 2/26/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Obviously, extracting knowledge from the Web using a simplistic SAT
> approach is infeasible
> However, I don't think it follows from this that extracting rich
> knowledge from the Web is infeasible
> It would require a complex system involving at least
> 1)
> An NLP engine that maps each sentence into a menu of probabilistically
> weighted logical interpretations of the sentence (including links into
> other sentences built using anaphor resolution heuristics).  This
> involves a dozen conceptually distinct components and is not at all
> trivial to design, build or tune.
> 2)
> Use of probabilistic inference rules to create implication links
> between the different interpretations of the different sentences
> 3)
> Use of an optimization algorithm (which could be a clever use of SAT
> or SMT, or something else) to utilize the links formed in step 2, to
> select the right interpretation(s) for each sentence

Gosh, I think you've missed something of critical importance...

The problem you stated above is about choosing the correct interpretation of
a bunch of sentences.  The problem we should tackle instead, is learning the
"rules" that make up the KB.

To see the difference, let's consider this example:

Suppose I solve a problem (eg a programming exercise), and to illustrate my
train of thoughts I clearly write down all the steps.  So I have, in
English, a bunch of sentences A,B,C,...,Z where Z is the final conclusion

Now the AGI can translate sentences A-Z into logical form.  You claim that
this problem is hard because of multiple interpretations.  But I think
that's relatively unimportant compared to the real problem we face.  So
let's assume that we successfully -- correctly -- translate the NL sentences
into logic.

Now let's imagine that the AGI is doing the exercise, not me.  Then it
should have a train of inference that goes from A to B to C ... and so
on... to Z.  But, the AGI would NOT be able to make such a train of
thoughts.  All it has is just a bunch of *static* sentences from A-Z.

What is missing?  What would allow the AGI to actually conduct the inference
from A-Z?

The missing ingredient is a bunch of rules.  These are the "invisible glue"
that links the thoughts "between the lines".  This is the knowledge that I
think should be learned, and would be very difficult to learn.

You know what I'm talking about??


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