--- Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >Vlad:> Don't you know about change blindness and the like? You don't 
> >actually
> > see all these details, it's delusional. You only get the gist of the
> > scene, according to current context that forms the focus of your
> > attention. Amount of information you extract from watching a movie is
> > not dramatically bigger than what you extract from reading a book.
> Vlad,
> Are you seriously trying to tell me that science knows how we see? You've 
> actually just stated a set of huge assumptions, right? For argument's sake, 
> you might be right. But that last sentence is plucked out of thin air, 
> right? You can barely begin to account for what those 30 odd areas of visual
> cortex are doing, or how much detail and what detail they are extracting 
> from scenes. And Ai systems are not much better than blind.

Vlad is right.  In studies of human long term memory, the learning rate is
about 1 bit per second whether it is words or pictures.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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