On Thursday 06 March 2008 12:27:57 pm, Mark Waser wrote:
> TAKE-AWAY:  Friendliness is an attractor because it IS equivalent 
to "enlightened self-interest" -- but it only works where all entities 
involved are Friendly.

Check out Beyond AI pp 178-9 and 350-352, or the Preface which sums up the 
whole business. There is noted in evolutionary game theory a "moral ladder" 
phenomenon -- in appropriate environments there is an evolutionary pressure 
to be "just a little bit nicer" than the average ethical level. This can 
raise the average over the long run. Like any evolutionarily stable strategy, 
it is an attractor in the appropriate space. 

Your point about sub-peers being resources is known in economics as the 
principle of comparative advantage (p. 343).

I think you're essentially on the right track. Like any children, our mind 
children will tend to follow our example more than our precepts...


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