On 03/05/2008 05:04 PM,, Mark Waser wrote:
And thus, we get back to a specific answer to jk's second question. "*US*" should be assumed to apply to any sufficiently intelligent goal-driven intelligence. We don't need to define "*us*" because I DECLARE that it should be assumed to include current day humanity and all of our potential descendants (specifically *including* our Friendly AIs and any/all other "mind children" and even hybrids). If we discover alien intelligences, it should apply to them as well. I contend that Eli's vision of Friendly AI is specifically wrong because it does *NOT* include our Friendly AIs in "*us*". In later e-mails, I will show how this intentional, explicit lack of inclusion is provably Unfriendly on the part of humans and a direct obstacle to achieving a Friendly attractor space. TAKE-AWAY: All goal-driven intelligences have drives that will be the tools that will allow us to create a self-correcting Friendly/CEV attractor space.

I like the expansion of CEV from 'human being' (or humanity) to 'sufficiently intelligent being' (all intelligent beings). It is obvious in retrospect (isn't it always?), but didn't occur to me when reading Eliezer's CEV notes. It seems related to the way in which 'humanity' has become broader as a term (once applied to certain privileged people only) and 'beings deserving of certain rights' has become broader and broader (pointless harm of some animals is no longer condoned [in some cultures]).

I wonder if this is a substantive difference with Eliezer's position though, since one might argue that 'humanity' means 'the [sufficiently intelligent and sufficiently ...] thinking being' rather than 'homo sapiens sapiens', and the former would of course include SAIs and intelligent alien beings.


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