The discussions seem to entirely ignore the role of socialization
in human and animal friendliness. We are a large collection of
autonomous agents that are well-matched in skills and abilities.
If we were unfriendly to one another, we might survive as a species,
but we would not live in cities and posses hi-tech.

You are correct.  The discussions are ignoring the role of socialization.

We also know from the animal kingdom, as well as from the
political/economic sphere, what happens when abilities are
mis-matched. Lions eat gazelles, and business tycoons eat
the working class.  We've evolved political systems to curb
the worst abuses of feudalism and serfdom, but have not yet
achieved nirvana.

Because we do *not* have a common definition of goals and socially acceptable behavior. Political systems have not acheived nirvana because they do not agree on what nirvana looks like. *THAT* is the purpose of this entire thread.

As parents, we apply social pressure to our children, to make
them friendly. Even then, some grow up unfriendly, and for them,
we have the police. Unless they achieve positions of power first
(Hitler, Stalin, Mao).


I don't see how a single AGI could be bound by the social
pressures that we are bound by. There won't be a collection
of roughly-equal AGI's keeping each other in check, not if they
are self-improving. Self-preservation is rational, and so is
paranoia; its reasonable to assume that agi will race to
self-improve merely for the benefit of self-preservation, so
that they've enough power so that others can't hurt them.

Our hope is that AGI will conclude that humans are harmless
and worthy of study and preservation; this is what will make
them friendly to *us*.. until one day we look like mosquitoes
or microbes to them.


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