It *seems* blatantly obvious that survival is a good idea. But "good" only has meaning with respect to a goal. Survival is good because those agents who didn't think so died, not because they came up with the idea. Agents don't
choose their goals.

Huh? I'm an agent and I choose my goals. If I live long enough to be in this super-society of yours, I think that I'm still going to have the goal of survival for both me and my super-society.

You might say that since we are building the agents, we can give them any
goals we want.

We're not building the agents.  I *am* the agent.

I entirely disagree with your hypothesis. I do believe that war sped up the
process but we would have learned the lesson without them.

That is called hindsight bias.

The tendency to believe that what actually happened had a higher probability than the actual real probability of it happening is called hindsight bias.

Humans do indeed tend to have hindsight bias and I am no different; however, it is very rare that a human will claim 100% when the actual probability is 0%.

You are claiming 0%. I am claiming, given sufficient time, 100%. It is unlikely that hindsight bias accounts for this major a difference.

You have provided absolutely no proof for your hypothesis. You have simply called my hypothesis a name (hindsight bias) that is unlikely to actually apply.

I have provided absolutely no proof for my hypothesis -- so I will admit that we're even.

Care to try again?

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