On 03/07/2008 05:28 AM, Mark Waser wrote:
*/Attractor Theory of Friendliness/*
There exists a describable, reachable, stable attractor in state space that is sufficiently Friendly to reduce the risks of AGI to acceptable levels

I've just carefully reread Eliezer's CEV <http://www.singinst.org/upload/CEV.html>, and I believe your basic idea is realizable in Eliezer's envisioned system.

For example, if including all Friendly beings in the CEV seems preferable to our extrapolated smarter, better ... selves, then a system implementing Eliezer's approach (if working as intended) would certainly renormalize and take into account the CEV of non-humans. And if our smarter, better ... selves do not think it preferable, I'd be inclined to trust their judgment, assuming that the previous tests and confirmations that are envisioned had occurred.

The CEV of humanity is only the initial dynamic, and is *intended* to be replaced with something better.


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