Mark Waser wrote:
The simulator is needing to run large populations over large numbers of generations multiple times with slightly different assumptions. As such, it doesn't speak directly to "What is a good strategy for an advanced AI with lots of resources?", but it provides indications.

And I would argue that I've got a far better, more analogous study with several large populations over large numbers of generations. It's called the study of human religion. :-)


It's better in the sense of "more clearly analogous", but it's worse because 1) it's harder to analyze and 2) the results are *MUCH* more equivocal. I'd argue that religion has caused more general suffering than it has ameliorated. Probably by several orders of magnitude. But the "results" are so messy and hard to separate from other simultaneous causes that this can't be conclusively proven. (And, also, with sufficient desire to disbelieve, the law of gravity itself could be thrown into doubt. [That's a paraphrase of somebody else talking about commercial interests, but the more general statement is correct.])

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