On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Boris Kazachenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > What is it that your system tries to predict? Does it predict only
>  > specific terminal inputs, values on the ends of its sensors? Or
>  > something else? When does prediction occur?
>  > What is this prediction for? How does it help? How does the system use
>  > it? What use is this ability of the system for us?
>  The system builds a hierarchy of generalization from discrete sensory
>  inputs: pixels, initially in 1 dimension, - the bottom of the hierarchy.
>  Everything we know (except for math) was originally derived from senses, &
>  that's by far the easiest place to start anyway.
>  Prediction (projection) occurs on every level, with corresponding range &
>  complexity.

I'm going to attack you by questions again :-)

What are 'range' and 'complexity'? Is there a specific architecture of
'levels'? Why should higher-level concepts be multidimensional?

What is the dynamics of system's operation in time? Is inference
feed-forward and 'instantaneous', measuring by external clock? Can
capture time series?

By 'what prediction is for?' I mean connection to action. How does
prediction of inputs or features of inputs translate into action? If
this prediction activity doesn't lead to any result, it may as well be

Vladimir Nesov

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