This are just some controversial tips/inspirations:

Warning: Don't read it if you do not believe that sensory and AGI go together or if you are skeptical. Just ignore it.

What to detect?
detect inregulaties and store them


memorization is about memorising the gist,
or parts of visual aspects and some
spatial aspects, etc., but no
sense completely memorize all of it

you do not memorize the locations of the objects.
you memorize the parts or gist

taxonomies classify using subjectively important
parts of an object.

*subjectively significant*

subjective unimportant qualities are unclassified

complexity is a product of two factor-independent symbols

complexity is the incompatibility between input and output

for example, random black and white dots
is considered nonrandom because our senses
overabstracts the dots as one unit

if the symbols have a constraint relation, they
can be reduced to a simpler structure using
factor analysis

factor analysis analyze the factors of a trait.
the more ad hoc a trait, the more likely it would
be overriden by a general ability

evolution prefers traits that generalize
many structures

knowledge cannot be appraised nor ignored.
you must know everything about a topic
before you judge

taxonomies do not holistic

taxonomies are just as leaky as abstractions

efficiency is achieved using minimization
of structures.
if an attribute has changed, then would
reorder minimization

innovation would do that called creative destruction

evolution creates traits that generalize,
which cannot be perfect

risk is the lack of knowledge. these are minimized by genetic heuristics

language are taxonomies

there exist "empty taxonomies" which are

genetic irregulaties

language is a different classification system
than logic, which is incompatible to each other

this difference produces contradictions and ambiguities

a contradiction is a partial map between languages
an ambiguity is a surjective function

entrophy is a subset of complexity
it is the information required to convert
a surjective function to a bijective function,
avoid contradiction

the division of knowledge minimizes risk
from lacking critical and revolutionary

latency occurs in social interactions
the fastest way is to think individually

the law of unintended consequences
is the product of appraising
unforseen knowledge

prohibition would let users choose another

negative motivations are hard coded, in order
to prevent alternatives

positive motivations are also hard coded, but not to
a high extent, because alternatives are inevitable
if there are only negative

according to the 100,000 human population
it is impossible to hard code all negative motivations.
Therefore, a Pavlovian learning capability is replaced

However, the pavlovian capability requires learning,
perhaps risky

Therefore parents would teach them

a type of imitation learning develops

positive motivations are more likely learned
than hard

also prominent negative motivations are preserved

distributed systems are like division of labor
the more labor intensive a task is, the more likely that an individual
would not count. The more predictable the labor is. So labor intensive industries
would have to maximize efficiency. It is more likely that an invention would

thinking collectively produces latency. Thinking collectively
distracts concentration, because humans cannot multitask

the faults of abstraction can be found using factor analysis

to be motivated to learn, you need positive motivations
such as rewarding unexpected things and imitation

learning irregularities

our nonconscious memory is huge

you do not feel pain when sacrificing. laissez-faire is optimal if there is infinite preference

most of our daily actions are unconscious

doing something "you dislike doing" is internal conflict between two virtual opposing individuals

you automatically pattern recognize emotionally fulfilling parts and do it. that
is called motivation

emotion is concentration

exception recognization entails negative priming from subconscious memory

negative priming is an adaptation

boredom and interesting is motivation using negative priming of common or boring

pavlovian learning does not require object detection. it is subconscious
using implicit occurances to associate negative stimuli with it, because
explicit pavlovian conditioning is inhibited by inhibition

pavlovian learning is automatic association

pavlovian/unconditioned learning is automatic, requiring no motivational

subconscious learning requires no motivational system
emotion is perpetual concentration

automatic emotion recognizers

subconsciously recognize emotional effects

the emotion recognizers are always searching for emotional rewarding parts

emotional pattern recognizers

subconscious motor conditioning

emotion induced selective focus and negative prime

motor learning is strenghtening associations, which become automatic
because they are very closely linked
strenghtening similar associations

motor is highly associational, hot holistic

motor learning is neural strenghtening the important parts thus ignoring distractors in motor

lack of dopamine inhibits motor learning
motor learning sequential activation
short term memory is sequential activation.
you cannot access it, but you can sequentially because it is linked

subjectively important stimuli activate emotion pattern matcher

modality specific association methods are modality

implicit learning = like motor strenghtening gist

implicit learning is context independent [1]

implicit learning equivalent to motor

neural automation

emotion "observers" activate both implicit and conscious

playing consumes random learning

no central reward, because conflict in the brain

emotion divides conflict

emotions direct action
boredem emotion observer activate play

negative emotions active positive

to avoid boredom, bordom observer activate random neurons

there is no such thing as pleasure, only relative
to bored

pleasure is not intrinsic d
you do not experience negative motivation in pleasur

pleasure is the inhibition of pain stimuli


conflicting parts of brain .

experiencing joyful would not feel boredom

more than one quality of pain is, but not on the same modality
pain catalysts help maintain homeostasis

pain can be neverending, pleasure ends with withdrawal

play neurons condition to pleasure, to condition it

sensory observers observe alcohol, then they would be motivated
like observing food, you become more appetite

sensory observers can associate like, such as looking a
glass of alcohol craving is learned

it is strenghtened by unconscious condition

unconscious pain

pain basically is a modality in unconscious memory, active
one sense activate another

pleasure is condition pain observers to unrelated objects

humor requires the sense of empathy

humor suprise

Kingma, D.P. wrote:
(Sorry for triple posting...)

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 11:34 PM, William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 30/03/2008, Kingma, D.P. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Intelligence is not *only* about the modalities of the data you get,
 >  but modalities are certainly important. A deafblind person can still
 >  learn a lot about the world with taste, smell, and touch, but the
 >  senses one has access to defines the limits to the world model one can
 >  build.

 As long as you have one high bandwidth modality you should be able to
 add on technological gizmos to convert information to that modality,
 and thus be able to model the phenomenon from that part of the world.

 Humans manage to convert modalities E.g.
 Using touch on the tongue.

Nice article. Apparently even the brain's region for perception of
taste is generally adaptable to new input.

 I'm not so much interested in this case, but what about the case where
 you have a robot with Sonar, Radar and other sensors. But not the
 normal 2 camera +2 microphone thing people imply when they say

That's an interesting case indeed. AGIs equipped with
sonar/radar/ladar instead of 'regular' vision should be perfectly able
at certain forms of spatial reasoning, but still unable to understand
humans at certain subjects. Still, if you don't need your agents to
completely understand humans, audiovisual senses could go out of the
window. It depends on your agent's goals, I guess.

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