I would suggest that symbols are more powerful than images, though less immediate (unmitigated?) in their effect. Images present a visual scene. They require processing to evaluate, and what one extracts from the scene may not be what another extracts. Their power is that they may activate a large number of symbols.

Symbols, however, are different. They may contain a reference to an image, but it will be a meaningful connection. I.e., it will highlight certain features of the scene as significant, and mute the others (if they aren't elided). It will also generally contain a value (desirable-undesirable scale), and may contain a label (vocalization) and various operations that it can enter into. Think of it as being like an instance of a class in a proto-type based language. I.e., even though it is an instance, it can have derivative sub-classes. But also superclasses can freely be formed which automatically include it. In fact superclasses can be retroactively inserted into the hierarchies of symbols, and are themselves symbols. Note that most symbols *don't* have either vocalizations or visibility to consciousness.

Also, symbols are a feature of the system within which they reside. They don't constitute the system. I see most of what happens as not only asymbolic, but also special purpose, such as sound recognition in the cochlea. I.e., most of what goes on is narrow AI or even hardwired. (Yes, I'm using biological metaphors. Sorry. People are the only example of something approaching an AGI that I'm aware of.) The AGI section is relatively slow and expensive, so it's kept relatively limited. Analog computation is preferred when possible, sometimes mixed with neural nets (which I think of as digital, even though I know better). Consider catching a baseball. Just try to do that with an AGI! But using the combination of analog and neural net computation that is built into people it's a reasonable task. (For most people. I'm lousy at it.) AH! But deciding to catch the baseball! That's the AGI in action. (Well, eventually it becomes habitual, I guess, for some people. But even so it's probably an AGI level decision.)

Now lets consider that baseball. That's clearly a symbol, as I didn't show you a picture. You didn't know I was talking about a softball. Notice how quickly the image changed. That's because you did it by manipulating references rather than by moving around enough bits to represent an image of one or the other kind of baseball. And if I now tell you that it was bright green, the color of a tennis ball, you get yet another rapid change. This time it's probably some kind of filter being applied to the image, as I notice that even the thread holding it together immediately changed color. (In my image the thread was originally a kind of off-read, and on the green ball it shaded toward black.)

But notice that this was all done via the manipulation of symbols. It depended on the images already being resident within your mind, and tied into these symbols via links (references).

I haven't mentioned it, but you probably have some sort of image about the location of this playing around with the baseball. That's what I meant about "...and mute the others (if they aren't elided)...", above. (You may have totally elided the location, but all specific instances [images] that you have ever seen will have had a background.)

Mark Waser wrote:
>> Why are images almost always more powerful than the corresponding symbols? Why do they communicate so much faster? Um . . . . dude . . . . it's just a bandwidth thing. Think about images vs. visual symbols vs. word descriptions vs. names. It's a spectrum from high-bandwidth information transfer to almost pure reference tags. If it's something you've never run across before, images are best -- high bandwidth but then you end up with high mental processing costs. For familiar items, word descriptions (or better yet, single word names) require little bandwidth and little in the way of subsequent processing costs.
    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Mike Tintner <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *To:* agi@v2.listbox.com <mailto:agi@v2.listbox.com>
    *Sent:* Sunday, March 30, 2008 4:02 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [agi] Symbols

    In this & surrounding discussions, everyone seems deeply confused
    - & it's nothing personal, so is our entire culture - about the
    difference between
SYMBOLS 1. "Derek Zahn" "curly hair" "big jaw" "intelligent eyes" ..... etc. etc and IMAGES 2. http://robot-club.com/teamtoad/nerc/h2-derek-sunflower.JPG I suggest that everytime you want to think about this area, you
    all put symbols besides the corresponding images, and slowly it
    will start to become clear that each does things the other CAN'T
    do, period.
We are all next to illiterate - and I mean, mind-blowingly
    ignorant - about how images function. What, for example, does an
    image of D.Z. or any person, do, that no amount of symbols -
    whether words, numbers, algebraic formulae, or logical
    propositions -  could ever do?
Why are images almost always more powerful than the corresponding
    symbols? Why do they communicate so much faster?

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