Thanks for the compliment Lukasz.   I am reading your slides and here are my 

(1)  I had seven years experience with the Cyc project.  Would you agree that 
Cyc aspires to be a KRS as you define it?
(2)  Sadly, Cyc lacks procedural methods as first class KB objects.  Also known 
as codelets, these are pieces of procedural code that can be fired as the 
consequent of a rule.  Cyc has a facility to do this but the procedures 
themselves are semantically opaque, being calls into the Cyc runtime engine.  
In my own work I want to fully represent procedures, using Cyc action scripts 
as the starting point, so that the system can "do things" in addition to 
answering questions.
(3) The Question Answering System diagram on page 6 is very nice.
(4) Conceptual Dependency Theory (CD) - This is somewhat like Cyc in that Doug 
Lenat is a mathematician and was strongly attracted to symbolic representations 
that are independent of natural language.  The glaring problem with this 
approach is that coverage of commonsense phenomena is harder without guidance 
from natural language sources.  To illustrate my point, rather than start with 
an English encyclopedia and represent it entirely, the Cyc project began with 
some commonsense situations, (e.g. one day in the life of Fred) and represented 
them from first philosophical/mathematical principles.   In my own work, I want 
to extend the Cyc ontology to cover all the concepts mentioned in the glosses 
(definitions) of WordNet, and ultimately the propositional content of Wikipedia 
(4) Description logics - these sacrifice expressiveness for deductive inference 
tractability.  Cyc always makes this tradeoff in favor of expressiveness, 
realizing that some queries may not answer.  My own approach will be for 
maximum expressiveness (e.g. OWL-full with horn rules) and use special purpose 
inference modules for tractability in common use cases, as does Cyc.  One can 
commonly detect the expressiveness used by the query (or desired by the user) 
and  employ a fast subsumption reasoner when applicable.
(5) Sorts and Features - To me these are Cyc-like, except that Cyc made the 
decision to represent appropriate features as class membership (e.g. the 
property cyc:mainColorOfObject is a sub-property of  cyc:isa / rdf:type).  
Supposedly, this representation is faster for Cyc deductive inference.
(6) Knowledge types - Multinet appears more expressive in this respect than the 
Cyc ontology, although the Cyc KR language CycL allows meta assertions so I 
believe that MultiNet could be encoded in a Cyc KB.
(7) Conceptual capsule - interesting, Cyc has the supporting assertions but not 
the notion of what assertions uniquely define an object.
(8) How does Multinet address connectionism or probabilistic inference (e.g. 
Bayes)?  Did I miss where a probability may be associated with an assertion, or 
with an argument place in an assertion?
(8) lexicon - need more examples for me to comment.  I would be interested in 
your comments on my adoption of Fluid Construction Grammar as a solution to the 
NL  to semantics mapping problem.

Stephen L. Reed

Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704

----- Original Message ----
From: Lukasz Stafiniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 8, 2008 5:51:50 PM
Subject: [agi] Between logical semantics and linguistic semantics

 I have recently polished my copy-and-paste slides on Multinet:

Pei Wang also gives an interesting chapter about semantics in AGI-Curriculum.

By "logical semantics" I mean the meaning of the contents of mind, and
by "linguistic semantics" the meaning of the contents of
What AGI-importance do you assign to capturing the semantics of
natural language? (And NL-semantics' impact on logical semantics, as
opposed to letting the computer build the representation for itself,
out of some elementary thought mechanics.)

P.S. Thanks to Pei Wang for the interesting curriculum and to Stephen
Reed for the great work on Texai.

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