Responding just to your first post (did not have time to read the rest):

Whatever queries you want to run, you can always design your DB to be
highly optimized for performance for those searches. Just keep the
search logic on the DB side as much as possible.

Jiri Jelinek

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 12:51 AM, YKY (Yan King Yin)
> For those using database systems for AGI, I'm wondering if the data
>  retrieval rate would be a problem.
>  Typically we need to retrieve many nodes from the DB to do inference.
>  The nodes may be scattered around the DB.  So it may require *many*
>  disk accesses.  My impression is that most DBMS are optimized for
>  complex queries but not for large numbers of simple retrievals -- am I
>  correct about this?
>  YKY
>  -------------------------------------------
>  agi
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