William Pearson writes:> Consider an AI learning chess, it is told in plain 
english that...
I think the points you are striving for (assuming I understand what you mean) 
are very important and interesting.  Even the first simplest steps toward this 
clear and (seemingly) simple task baffle me.  How does the concept of 'knight' 
poof into existence during the conversation? How does a system learn how to 
learn to play a game in the first place?  I like this task as a tool for 
considering how a potential AGI approach is truly general -- by asking over and 
over again "how and why could that happen" for any imagining of how each 
sentence could be processed.
Now, Edward, I hope you are right about Novamente but I don't quite follow the 
reasoning behind your confidence.  I'm imagining that in a previous life you'd 
pointed me toward a drawing of a DaVinci flying machine, excitedly projecting 
3-8 years until we'd be flying around.  Now DaVinci's a bright guy (smarter 
than me) and it's a nice concept, and I can't prove it won't work -- I'd have 
to invent a pretty effective aerodynamic science to do so.  I still might not 
be convinced.  Absence of disproof is not necessarily strong evidence.
I'm looking forward to getting more info about Novamente soon and hopefully 
understand the nuts and bolts of how it could do tasks like the ones William 
wrote about.  I have some concerns about things like whether propagating truth 
values around is really a very effective modeling substrate for the world of 
objects and ideas we live in -- but since I don't understand Novamente well 
enough, there's lititle I can say pro or con beyond those vague intuitions (and 
the last thing I'd want to do is bug Ben with questions like "how would 
Novamente do X?  How about Y?"  He has plenty of real work to do.)

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