Matt said:

People do not learn grammar by being given grammatical rules, because we still
don't know what they are.  Grammar rules seem to have a Zipf distribution,
like vocabulary.  About 200 words account for half of the tokens in text, and
then it gets complicated.  Likewise, a small number of rules cover a lot of
the cases, like (S ::= NP VP, NP := det adj noun, etc).  But after this point,
you run into huge number (nobody know exactly how many) of idioms and special
cases like "what/why/how in the world?" that makes language immensely complex.
 By the time you are old enough to learn the concept of grammar, you have
already learned more of the rules than anyone has ever been able to write
I hope that my incremental Fluid Construction Grammar parser, as recently 
illustrated in this blog post, copes with the complexity that you describe.  
Because FCG has as its organizing principle that grammar is the pairing between 
form and meaning, it theoretically accommodates the idioms and special cases 
present in natural languages such as English - e.g. by allowing a rule for each 
separate idiom.  I expect at least one FCG rule per English word sense, so 
that's 200 000 rules alone, plus at least one rule per word inflected form - 
another 100 000 plus rules.  I suppose that another 100 000 rules will cover 
the complex constructions of English.  In Texai, I expect these to be taught to 
the system by volunteer mentors.  Perhaps as it gets smarter, Texai's 
construction rule acquisition will become more like human children, who can 
induce generally applicable constructions given some examples of the parings of 
form and meaning.


Stephen L. Reed

Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704

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