Russell Wallace wrote:
On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Question:  "How many systems do you know of in which the system elements
are governed by a mechanism that has all four of these, AND where the system
as a whole has a large-scale behavior that has been shown (by any method of
"showing" except detailed simulation of the system) to arise from the
behaviors of the elements of the system?

In programming, there's a special word for "showing by detailed
simulation of the system, that a large-scale behavior arises from the
behaviors of the elements of the system". The word is "testing".

Software systems are *never* constructed in such a way that they are dominated by interacting elements that satisfy the four characteristics that I listed.

So this example does not come even remotely near to addressing the question.

Richard Loosemore

To say that a program was shown to have desirable large-scale behavior
without detailed simulation, would be to say that it was considered to
have passed QA _without testing_. How many nontrivial programs do you
know of, that were considered ready for release without being tested?

The answer of course is none - and this applies to nonadaptive
programs just as much as adaptive ones.

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