On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ben Goertzel wrote:
>  Feedback on AGI-06 overall was overwhelmingly positive; in fact
> > Richard's is the only significantly negative report I've seen.
> >
> Of course, if the conference was filled with low-quality presentations and
> low-quality comments from participants, then all of those people who gave
> presentations and who made comments would be BOUND to give an objective
> evaluation of the quality of the conference, wouldn't they....?  ;-)
> They wouldn't have any vested interest in saying "What a success!", would
> they?
> And if one person gave a poor evaluation of the conference based on
> specific points of fact, rather than just feel-good opinion (if, for
> example, that person noted a complete inability of the participants to talk
> about the main theme of the conference in a technically accurate way), that
> empirically-based observation would count for nothing, compared with the
> great "feeling" that everyone had about the meeting?

Ben: I admire your patience.
Richard: congrats - you just made my ignore list - and that's a first

Stefan Pernar
3-E-101 Silver Maple Garden
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