>> Richard, there is no substance behind your speculations - zero. Zip. And all 
>> the fantasy and imagination you so clearly demonstrated here on the board 
>> wont make up for that. You make stuff up as you go along and as you need it 
>> and you clearly have enough time at your hand to do so.
>> Beside Kaj - can we see a show of hand who disagrees with me? Happy to step 
>> back and be quiet then. It is too often that people stay quite and let stuff 
>> like this slide.

Sorry, Stefan, but I disagree strongly with you.  Richard has an extremely 
valid point that is obscured by his explanations and personality.

Almost every practitioner of AGI is currently looking for intelligence under a 
streetlight when every indication is that it is in the darkness less than 10 
years off (reasonably close to where Texai is curently headed).

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