
    I would prefer that you not remain quiet.  I would prefer that you pick 
*specific* points and argue them -- that's the way that science is done.  The 
problem is that AGI is an extremely complex subject and mailing lists are a 
horrible forum for discussing such unless all participants are both qualified 
and willing to follow certain rules and assumptions.  I'd love to throw a 
number of people of this list for making baseless proclamations and not 
defending them but you generally tend not to make broad, baseless statements 
(the current thread excluded ;-).  I *AM* intending to write more to clarify my 
view of Richard's point but I'm frantically trying to finish a paper due May 
15th that is eating up all my spare time at the moment.  Remind me late next 
week if it doesn't appear.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Stefan Pernar 
  Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 1:03 PM
  Subject: **SPAM** Re: [agi] Evaluating Conference Quality [WAS Re: Symbol 
Grounding ...]

  On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 12:44 AM, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    >> Richard, there is no substance behind your speculations - zero. Zip. And 
all the fantasy and imagination you so clearly demonstrated here on the board 
wont make up for that. You make stuff up as you go along and as you need it and 
you clearly have enough time at your hand to do so.

    >> Beside Kaj - can we see a show of hand who disagrees with me? Happy to 
step back and be quiet then. It is too often that people stay quite and let 
stuff like this slide.

    Sorry, Stefan, but I disagree strongly with you.  Richard has an extremely 
valid point that is obscured by his explanations and personality.

    Almost every practitioner of AGI is currently looking for intelligence 
under a streetlight when every indication is that it is in the darkness less 
than 10 years off (reasonably close to where Texai is curently headed).

  Mark - thanks for sharing your point of view. I respect that and will - true 
to my word - be quiet now.

  Stefan Pernar
  3-E-101 Silver Maple Garden
  #6 Cai Hong Road, Da Shan Zi
  Chao Yang District
  100015 Beijing
  Mobil: +86 1391 009 1931
  Skype: Stefan.Pernar 

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