--- Jim Bromer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But, "Understanding=compression."  That is really pretty far out there. 
> This conclusion is based on an argument
> like: One would be able to predict everything if he was able to
> understand everything (or at least everything predictable).  This
> argument, however, is clearly a fantasy.  So we come up with a weaker
> version.  If someone was able to predict
> a number of events accurately this would be a sign that he must
> understand something about those events.  This argument
> might work when talking about people, but it does not quite work the way
> you seem to want it to.  You cannot just paste a term
> of intelligence like 'prediction' onto a mechanical process and reason
> that the
> mechanical process may then be seen as equivalent to a mental process. 
> Suppose someone wrote a computer program
> with 10000 questions and the program was able to 'predict' the correct
> answer
> for every single one of those questions.  Does the machine understand
> the questions? Of course not.  The person who wrote the program
> understands the subject of those
> questions, but you cannot conclude that the program understood the
> subject matter.

Your question answering machine is algorithmically complex.  A smaller
program could describe a procedure for answering the questions, and in
that case it could answer questions not in the original set of 10000.

Here is another example:

  3 => 9
  7 => 49
  8 => 64
  12 => 144
  2 => 4
  6 => ?

You could write a program that stores the first 5 training examples in a
table, or you could find a smaller program that computes the output as a
mathematical function of the input.  When you test your programs with "6
=> ?" which program would give you the answer you expect?  Which would you
say "understands" the training set?

You can take the position that a machine can never "understand" anything
the way that a human could.  I don't care.  Call it something else if you
want, like "AI".

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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