--- Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> *Does anyone else here share my dream of a worldwide AI with all of the
> knowledge of the human race to support it 


> - built with EXISTING Wikipedia

No.  Wikipedia has the right idea that it reflects a consensus of
knowledge with instant peer review, which is usually more accurate than
individual knowledge.  However, it is centralized, so it depends on
donations of money to keep running on a single server, rather than self
sustaining market driven contributions of computing resources in a
distributed environment.

> and Dr. Eliza software and a little glue to hold it all together?*

The "glue", the distributed search index or message routing service, will
be the major component of distributed AGI.  Most of the intelligence will
go into directing messages to the right experts based on content, and
filtering spam.

Dr. Eliza reflects your personal agenda.  It will be judged as a peer in a
competitive marketplace where information has negative value on average. 
If you go against the majority, you will be blocked.  To get your message
out, you will either need to back up your claims with research, or back
off your claims to a personal case history, or buy advertising from peers
with high reputations.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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