Which "silly" operating system assertions?

Your own words:
but if you actually look at some rather important tech centers like Silicon Valley, there is not a Windows server in sight. The dominance of Unix-based systems there is so complete that it is not even a contest any more. You are apparently under the impression that this is not true,

Now, let's look at your own numbers . . . .
Unix: 1681
Windows: 956

Do you claim that less than two-to-one is not "not a Windows server in sight"
= = = = =
Or, I'll just go to Dice and try Java and .NET without picking a location

Lookie -- Java 15,434 to .Net 9696

Again, less than two-to-one is radically different from the BS you were spouting before being challenged.
= = = = =
and again you have to resort to trash-talking like . . .
Just because you are not comfortable with Unix

I've actually done almost as much development under Unix as Windows. I generally make more money under Unix but, for me personally, the crappy tools and environments more than offset the extra cash -- and the last thing I want to do is start an important long-term project with seriously sub-par tools.
= = = = =
And I love the way that you keep claiming that *I* am rationalizing while, at the same time, you're conceding the technical arguments and having to dramatically inflate the market share arguments. It looks to me like you're the desperate AND self-delusional one to me.

So tell me,
what is plainly obvious  to those actually on the ground?

That you have less than a two-to-one market share and it's dwindling? That technically .Net has blown past you and the gap only shows signs of widening? That when Mono reaches the next version, you're going to switch?

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