> From: Mike Tintner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> That's correct. The model of consciousness should be the self [brain-
> body]
> watching and physically interacting with the movie [that is in a sense
> an
> "open movie" - rather than on a closed screen - projected all over the
> world
> outside, and on the inside of the body]. The self is an integrated
> brain-body unit, acting and responding with the whole body.
> But you missed out the all-important part which I believe you're all
> skipping over. What is your or anyone else's model of consciousness?
> Which
> model are you using? Or do you know anyone else using? Or do you not
> have a
> model?
> You've been talking about "consciousness" - *what* have you been talking
> about? Honestly?


Just because you have movies and theatres and are experiencing a simuworld
in your mind rolling around in the sand feeling all warm and fuzzy doesn't
make it work. There are a few quantitative systems relationships that need
to be strictly defined in order to have a model that isn't just a bunch of
ideas slapped together that sound good to a philosophy student. The system
has to come together in such a way that it functions and operates like a
machine or a machine derivative so that you can actually build it within a
lifetime. There are consciousness patterns. And there are consciousness


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