I'll respond to other points tomorrow or the day after (am currently
on a biz trip through Asia), but just one thing now... You say

> With NO money, none of either of our efforts stands a chance. With some
> realistic investment money, scanning would at minimum be cheap insurance
> that you will be able to overcome ALL of your future problems.

but I'm not sure this is true.  Linux got a long way with no money,
and eventually its freeware success brought investment from various
sources.  This is part of the inspiration underlying OpenCog ....
Given a viable AGI design (which I have) and an initial, partial
codebase (which we have, via opencog), and a population of
enthusiastic and qualified OSS contributors, there's no reason that $$
is needed, though it can certainly accelerate things.  The big
challenge becomes keeping things going on the right course, in the
relevant senses of "right"

ben g

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