> From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --- On Sun, 6/1/08, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OK How about this. A CAPTCHA that combines human audio and
> > visual illusion that evokes a realtime reaction only in a conscious
> > physical human.  Can audio visual illusion be used as a test for
> > consciousness? Could it be used to evoke a specific conscious-only
> > reaction in a human mind? Hmm...
> For example, a CAPTCHA plays an audio clip and you have to match it to
> one of several images.  Or did you have something else in mind?

Ah, use common visual illusion techniques, build a software library. There
may already be some. Then an audio illusion library. And then find a set of
audio visual combinations that induce evocation of, say strings, like asking
the user to recognize this string of alphanumeric characters. That's all one
step. Then next step would be to find, using human volunteers, evocation
results unique to human conscious experience. Example - this illusory
sensory stimulation causes a human to sense this uniquely describable
qualia. At a percentage success rate, like 90%. BUT the ultimate would be to
be able to ring someone's bell at a 100% unique hit rate, based on DNA or
something else or just their own signature uniqueness...

> In any case, solving a CAPTCHA means giving the right output for some
> input. There is no reason in principle that a machine could not solve
> it.

The machine would have to replicate that specific human biochemical
computational ability to be able to achieve surpassed pattern recognition
fidelity. If you are able to dupe that, then you are human or better.

> What do you mean by consciousness?  Do you agree that a human brain
> simulated by a computer at the neuron level would be functionally
> equivalent and indistinguishable from human?  Or is there a mysterious
> force like "consciousness" that causes the machine to give a different
> output for some input?

The machine, the human brain, will give a machine specific output, a.k.a.,
an illusion. Using audio visual illusion you may be able to create cognitory
illusions whci are unique in a human brain.....


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