On Saturday 31 May 2008 10:23:15 pm, Matt Mahoney wrote:

> Unfortunately AI will make CAPTCHAs useless against spammers.  We will need 
to figure out other methods.  I expect that when we have AI, most of the 
world's computing power is going to be directed at attacking other computers 
and defending against attacks.  It is no different than evolution.  A 
competitive environment makes faster rabbits and faster foxes.  Without 
hostility, why would we need such large brains?

In the biological world, big brains evolved to support reciprocal altruism, 
which requires recognizing individuals and knowing which ones "owe you one" 
and vice versa.


Going back to Trivers' first studies: bats that practice R.A. have brains 
three times the size of ones that don't.


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