Hi Mike,

Evidently I didn't communicate that so clearly because I agree with you 100%.


--- On Mon, 6/30/08, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Terren:One of the basic threads of scientific progress is
> the ceaseless 
> denigration of the idea that there is something special
> about humans
> Not quite so. There is a great deal of exceptionalism in
> science - hence 
> "evolutionary psychology" actually only deals
> with human evolution. If there 
> were a true all-species evolutionary psychology, that
> really did look at the 
> evolution of the mind through all species, you wouldn't
> get what will come 
> to be seen as the mechanistic absurdity of trying to create
> an AGI starting 
> at human level. To twist a favourite analogy of AGI-ers,
> that's like trying 
> to start mechanical invention at the airplane stage, and
> jump the billions 
> of steps from rock tools and wheels on - or trying to
> invent a computer 
> before electricity has been discovered. 
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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