On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 11:10 AM, YKY (Yan King Yin) <

> On 7/28/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Your inference trajectory assumes that "cybersex" and "STD" are
> probabilistically independent within "sex" but this is not the case.
> We only know that:
>   P(sex | cybersex) = high
>   P(STD | sex) = high
> If we're also given that
>   P(STD | cybersex) = 0
> then the question is moot -- it is already answered.
> It is a problem because we're not given the 3rd piece of information...

Yes, if there is no other background knowledge that is relevant, then this
error is unavoidable.

If however indirect background knowledge is available, such as the fact that
"cyber-" often refers to things occurring online, then a reasoning engine
may be able to incorporate this to guess that

P(STD | cybersex)

is small, which will then (if it is a confident conclusion) override the
erroneous independence-assumption-based inference you cite.

> > PLN would make this error using the independence-assumption-based term
> logic deduction rule; but in practice this rule is supposed to be overridden
> in cases of known dependencies.
> Why don't PLN use Pei-Wang-style confidence?

PLN uses confidence values within its truth values, with a different
underlying semantics and math than NARS; but that doesn't help much with the
above problem...

There is a confidence-penalty used in PLN whenever an independence
assumption is invoked, but it's not that severe of a penalty -- and nor
should it be.  When additional evidence is not available, making an
independence assumption is appropriate, even though sometimes it will turn
out to be wrong.


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