On Monday 28 July 2008 09:30:08 am YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:
> On 7/29/08, Charles Hixson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There's nothing wrong with the "logical" argument.  What's wrong is that
> > you are presuming a purely declarative logic approach can work...which it
> > can in extremely simple situations, where you can specify all necessary
> > facts.
> >
> > My belief about this is that the proper solution is to have a model of
> > the world, and how interactions happen in it separate from the logical
> > statements.  The logical statements are then seen as focusing techniques.
> > [ ... ]
> The key word here is "model".  If you can reason with mental models,
> then of course you can resolve a lot of paradoxes in logic.  This
> boils down to:  how can you represent mental models?  And they seem to
> boil down further to logical statements themselves.  In other words,
> we can use logic to represent "rich" mental models.
This is true, but the "logic" statements of the model are rather different 
than simple assertions, much more like complex statements specifying 
proportional relationships and "causal" links.  I envision the "causal" links 
as being at statements about the physical layer.  And everything covered 
with "amount of belief" .  The model would also need to include mechanisms 
believed to be in operation. (E.g., "fire is caused by the phologiston 
escaping from the wood").  And mechanisms would need to be in place for 
correcting and updating the model.  Etc.

Conversational type logic statements, then, would be seen as being for the 
purpose of directing attention to specific portions of this model.  
And "deductions" from these informal logic statements would need to be 
checked and verified against the model.  Sensory data would be more 
significant, but there's considerable evidence that even sensory data has a 
hard time in overruling a strong model belief.

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