On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>  BenI think that an engineering based approach will succeed first, just as
> we succeeded in building airplanes first, rather than evolving a birdlike
> flying machine out of a prebiotic molecular soup...
> Ben,
> You've got to stop using this analogy - it's a giant "cheat"  :). Humans
> have massively improved on nature on perhaps literally billions of
> SPECIALISED tasks - like flying.
> But living organisms are GENERAL(-purpose) machines -  capable of
> general-purpose movement and general-purpose thought/intelligence. A bird is
> vastly more than a flying machine.

Agree.  No analogy is exact, though.  That analogy makes the point that
engineering solutions can outperform biological-imitations solutions in
surprising ways.  But it's not a complete analogy.

> As yet humans have not produced a SINGLE general-purpose machine that is
> superior to nature or that functions, period. That is the whole challenge
> for AGI and robotics.

Yes, it hasn't been done before.   That's one of the many things that
excites me about doing it !


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