"I have seen very good and productive threads on this list, but they tend to
be the exception. Hence I mostly just delete the items from the list, and
follow the occasional thread that looks interesting or involves people who
have posted more reasonable items in the past"

Yeah, that is typically what I do as well. Only a small number of threads
ever make it past the 2-3 day lifespan in my inbox.

I like the idea of the centralized FAQ (which I remember seeing the
beginning of a while back). Not because I would point people to it, but
rather I would find it useful to see others (or myself) pointed to it as I
am still playing a long game of catch up.

I think the FAQ should also include areas for people like Tintner to explain
their theories in FULL detail to prevent any more confusion, arguments, or
alienation. (Lets just put that to rest guys...)

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